#!/bin/bash set -e # Set the path to your FreeCAD executable here FREECAD=~/dev/FreeCAD-asm3-Daily-Conda-Py3.10-20221128-glibc2.12-x86_64.AppImage SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) cd $SCRIPT_DIR/.. rm -rf ./dist # Check script syntax before starting freecad python3 -m py_compile tools/export-all-parts.py # Export all versioned files mkdir -p dist/FCStd git archive HEAD . | tar -x -C dist/FCStd # Start freecad to run the script. We must start freecad with GUI (otherwise we can't export colors). We start it hidden in a virtual framebuffer (xvfb) so that it can run cleanly in the background. xvfb-run $FREECAD tools/export-all-parts.py # Concatenate all PDFs in a single file pdfunite dist/PDF/tubes/* dist/PDF/tubes.pdf