Guide de montage du vhéliotech

72 lines
1.8 KiB

# Script taken from
# Manually adapt for sphinxdoc generated pdf
use 5.024;
use strict;
use warnings qw(all);
use IPC::Run3;
use LaTeX::Encode;
use Encode qw(decode);
my @levels
= qw(chapter section subsection subsubsection paragraph subparagraph);
my @counters;
my ($data_enc, $data);
run3 ['pdftk', $ARGV[0], 'dump_data_utf8'], undef, \$data_enc;
$data = decode('UTF-8', $data_enc, Encode::FB_CROAK);
my @latex_bm;
my $bm;
foreach (split(/\n/, $data)) {
/^Bookmark/ or next;
if (/^BookmarkBegin$/) {
add_latex_bm($bm) if $bm;
$bm = {};
} elsif (/^BookmarkLevel: (\d+)$/a) {
++$counters[$1 - 1];
$#counters = $1 - 1;
$bm->{number} = join(q{.}, @counters);
$bm->{level} = $1 - 1;
} elsif (/^BookmarkTitle: (.+)$/) {
# In Sphinx title include a utf-8 icon of a link, so remove it
my $title = substr($1, 0, -1);
$bm->{title} = latex_encode($title);
} elsif (/^BookmarkPageNumber: (\d+)$/a) {
$bm->{page} = $1;
} else {
die "Unknown Bookmark tag in $_\n";
add_latex_bm($bm) if $bm;
print <<LATEX;
\\title{Guide de montage Vhéliotech v1.0}
${ \join('', @latex_bm) }
exit 0;
sub add_latex_bm {
my $bm = shift;
# Don't extract top level title and subtitle with level > 2
if ($bm->{level} == 0 || $bm->{level} > 2) {
# Make sections become chapters
my $level = $levels[$bm->{level} - 1];
# Remove the first number because it refers to the root title (ie always 1.X)
my $number = substr($bm->{number}, 2);
my $title = $bm->{title};
my $page = $bm->{page} + 2;
push @latex_bm, <<LINE;
\\contentsline {$level}{\\numberline {$number}$title}{$page}%