Guide de montage du vhéliotech
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
4.5 KiB

import sys
import subprocess
import re
import os
source_dir = sys.argv[1]
build_dir = sys.argv[2]
insert_toc_after_page = 2
max_bookmark_level = 2
numbered_levels = 2
index_pdf_filename = build_dir + '/weasyprint/index.pdf'
css_filename = source_dir + '/css/print-theme.css'
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Compile PDF
pdf_compile_command = ['weasyprint', build_dir + '/weasyprint/index.html', index_pdf_filename, '-s', source_dir + '/_static/custom.css', '-s', css_filename]
assert( == 0)
# Generate table of content (TOC)
assert(['sh', '-c', script_dir + '/../pdftoc-to-latex "' + index_pdf_filename + '" > "' + build_dir + '/weasyprint/toc.tex"']).returncode == 0)['pdflatex', '-interaction', 'nonstopmode', '-output-directory=' + build_dir + '/weasyprint', build_dir + '/weasyprint/toc.tex'])
# Count TOC pages
toc_pdfinfo =['pdfinfo', build_dir + '/weasyprint/toc.pdf'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
assert(toc_pdfinfo.returncode == 0)
toc_pages_match ='\\nPages:\s+([0-9]+)\\n', toc_pdfinfo.stdout.decode())
toc_num_pages = int(
print('toc.pdf: ' + str(toc_num_pages) + ' page(s)')
# Count pages in index.pdf
pdfinfo =['pdfinfo', index_pdf_filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
assert(pdfinfo.returncode == 0)
pages_match ='\\nPages:\s+([0-9]+)\\n', pdfinfo.stdout.decode())
num_pages = int(
print('index.pdf: ' + str(num_pages) + ' pages')
num_pages = num_pages + toc_num_pages # account for table of content that will be added later
# If needed, update the CSS file with the correct number of pages
with open(css_filename) as css_file:
original_css =
modified_css = re.sub('content: counter\(page\) "/[0-9]+";', 'content: counter(page) "/'+str(num_pages)+'";', original_css)
if modified_css != original_css:
with open(css_filename, 'w') as css_file:
# We need to compile again with the modified CSS (this won't impact the TOC)
print('Number of pages has changed, rebuilding PDF...')
assert( == 0)
# Insert TOC in the PDF
assert(['pdftk', 'A='+index_pdf_filename, 'B='+build_dir+'/weasyprint/toc.pdf', 'cat', 'A1-'+str(insert_toc_after_page), 'B', 'A'+str(insert_toc_after_page+1)+'-end', 'output', build_dir + '/weasyprint/vheliotech-without-bookmarks.pdf']).returncode == 0)
# Restore bookmarks
extract_bookmarks_from = index_pdf_filename
source_pdf_filename = build_dir + '/weasyprint/vheliotech-without-bookmarks.pdf'
output_filename = build_dir + '/weasyprint/vheliotech.pdf'
bookmarks_filename = extract_bookmarks_from.replace('.pdf', '.txt')
assert(bookmarks_filename != extract_bookmarks_from)
# extract PDF metadata into a text file
assert(['pdftk', extract_bookmarks_from, 'dump_data', 'output', bookmarks_filename]).returncode == 0)
with open(bookmarks_filename) as bookmarks_file:
metadata =
# Remove link icon character at the end of each bookmark name (these are added by sphinx but make no sense in a PDF bookmark)
metadata = metadata.replace('', '')
# Remove bookmarks for small titles, adjust page number for remaining ones, and add numbering if level is not above numbered_levels
title_counters = []
for level in range(numbered_levels):
def filterBookmark(match):
#print('bookmark: "' + + '"')
level = int(
if level > max_bookmark_level:
return ''
initial_page = int(
final_page = initial_page + toc_num_pages if initial_page > insert_toc_after_page else initial_page
title_counters[level - 1] = title_counters[level - 1] + 1
for l in range(level, numbered_levels):
title_counters[l] = 0
title_number = ''
if level <= numbered_levels:
for l in range(level):
title_number += str(title_counters[l]) + '.'
title_number += ' '
return 'BookmarkBegin\nBookmarkTitle: ' + title_number +'&#160;', ' ')+'\nBookmarkLevel: ''\nBookmarkPageNumber: '+str(final_page)+'\n'
metadata = re.sub('BookmarkBegin\nBookmarkTitle: (.*)\nBookmarkLevel: ([0-9]+)\nBookmarkPageNumber: ([0-9]+)\n', filterBookmark, metadata)
with open(bookmarks_filename, 'w') as bookmarks_file:
# generate the output PDF
assert(['pdftk', source_pdf_filename, 'update_info', bookmarks_filename, 'output', output_filename]).returncode == 0)
print('Generated file: ' + output_filename)