batteryLevel: number[];// Remaining energy in the battery over time (one entry per hour), in Wh
batteryLevel: number[];// Remaining energy in the battery over time (one entry per hour), in Wh
gridChargeCount: number;
cumulatedGridRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the power grid, in Wh of battery charge (actual power grid consumption will be slightly higer due to losses)
cumulatedGridRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the power grid, in Wh of battery charge (actual power grid consumption will be slightly higer due to losses)
cumulatedSolarRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the solar panel, in Wh of battery charge (actual generated power is slightly higher due to losses)
cumulatedSolarRechargeEnergy: number;// Cumulated energy added to the battery from the solar panel, in Wh of battery charge (actual generated power is slightly higher due to losses)
cumulatedMotorConsumption: number;// Cumulated energy consumed by the motor, in Wh. In this simulation, this is equal to the energy drawn from the battery.
cumulatedMotorConsumption: number;// Cumulated energy consumed by the motor, in Wh. In this simulation, this is equal to the energy drawn from the battery.
console.log('Solar energy ratio: '+Math.round(100*(simulationResult.cumulatedMotorConsumption-(simulationResult.gridChargeCount+1)*vehicle.batteryCapacity)/simulationResult.cumulatedMotorConsumption)+'%');